In today's recipe we are going to prepare a different hamburger. Instead of making it with meat, we will use quinoa and lentils, preparing a very healthy and light hamburger (and also easy to prepare). It is a good option for those people who do not eat meat but do not want to give up the delicious menu of a very rich hamburger. Leer más…

Lentil tartare

Surely you have tried the tuna or salmon tartare, but you can also make a lentil and avocado tartare to include legumes in our menu in summer. Leer más…

Pasión Manchega at Naturama Cuenca 2019

It is an Official Fair of Castilla La Mancha, and is organized by the Provincial Development Board of the Diputación de Cuenca. It is held at the Equestrian Fairgrounds, on an annual basis. Leer más…
Showing 32 to 36 of 48 (9 Pages)