Lentils with rice

Lentils with rice

With the freshness that it is beginning to do now that winter arrives, a good plate of warm lentils is always in the mood.

In today's recipe we will prepare them with rice and vegetables, a very rich and very healthy dish.

Ingredients to prepare the lentils with rice

300 g of brown lentils
200 g of rice
2 carrots
1 onion
1 potato
3 garlic cloves
1 bay leaf
3 tablespoons of tomato sauce
1 teaspoon of sweet paprika
Extra Virgin Olive Oil

preparation of the recipe
Step 1 - Prepare the vegetables
First of all, we are going to clean and chop the vegetables.

Peel the carrots, potatoes and onion and cut them into small pieces.

In a pot we put the vegetables with a little oil, add the garlic cloves and let them poach with a little salt.

Step 2 - Add the lentils
When the vegetables are well poached, add the tomato, the teaspoon of paprika and immediately add the water and the lentils. (You don't need to soak them overnight.)

Remember to add the laurel, which you already know that in addition to enhancing the flavor, it reduces the production of gases in legumes.

Step 3 - Let it cook
Cover with water about three fingers on top of the lentils (which will grow) and keep them on the fire for half an hour.

When the lentils take that half an hour, add the rice, which will take another 20 minutes or so to cook.

During this time we will monitor whether it is necessary to add water. If you do, remember to add it hot so as not to interrupt the cooking process of the lentils.

A good time to check the cooking time of the lentils is before adding the rice since if you see that they are not tender enough, it is better to keep them a little longer at this time than when we add the rice, which may be passed if we we exceed with your time.

And you can now taste your rich lentils with rice.

As you will see in this recipe we have not incorporated chorizo ​​but it is true that if you want them to be even richer, putting a little chorizo ​​in the lentils will give it an extra extra flavor.

It will add a little more calories, it is true, but it also has that delicious little flavor in the end. I leave it up to you whether or not you want to add this ingredient.

How have you been?

Do you keep sucking your fingers?